Ido Portal 30

Ido Portal's 30, 30 Squat Challenge - Honest Review

The Benefits of Ido Portal's 30/30 Squat Challenge (Movement Training)

Breaking Limits: Our Results from the Ido Portal 30/30 Squatting Challenge

Completing Ido Portal's 30/30 Squat Challenge

I completed Ido Portal's 30/30 Squat Challenge for the second time! (REAL RESULTS)#idoportal #squat

I did the 30/30 squat challenge by Ido Portal! (REAL RESULTS)


IDO PORTAL on SQUATS. Do this one thing your health will change

Why I stopped doing Push Ups

Ido Portal 30 30 Squat Challenge Recap

Didier Pare - MVMT MONTREAL - Ido Portal 30/30 Squat Challenge Progression & Tips

Why I STOPPED Training with Ido Portal

A Brutally Honest Review of the Ido Portal Method

I Did Animal Flow for 30 Days | It Fixed Everything!

Squat Routine 2.0 a la Ido Portal

Ido Portal 30/30 squat challenge

Standing 30 Min on Hands

Ido Portal Hanging Challenge

Evolution - take a step back

Ido Portal Explains how to OPEN Your Mind

Hocke - Ido Portal - 30 Tage 30 Minuten Hocke Challenge - Routine

The 30 Day (Daily) Squat Challenge that DRASTICALLY improved my Digestion / Flexibility

Ido Portal Online Coaching (9 Months Progress/ Salzburg / Austria)